i installed sphinx couple of months postgres project , have project uses mysql. tried remedy this line in environments.rb:
thinkingsphinx.database_adapter = :mysql
and generated development.sphinx.conf project:
source article_core_0 { type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = *** sql_pass = *** sql_db = ***_development sql_sock = /tmp/mysql.sock sql_query_pre = update `articles` set `delta` = 0 `delta` = 1 sql_query_pre = set names utf8 sql_query_pre = set time_zone = '+0:00' sql_query = select sql_no_cache `articles`.`id` * 6 + 0 `id` , `articles`.`title` `title`, `articles`.`content` `content`, group_concat(distinct ifnull(`tags`.`tag`, '0') separator ' ') `tag`, group_concat(distinct ifnull(`customer_categories`.`name`, '0') separator ' ') `category`, concat_ws(' ', `users`.`first_name`, `users`.`last_name`) `created_by_user_name`, `articles`.`id` `sphinx_internal_id`, 3448190970 `class_crc`, 0 `sphinx_deleted`, `articles`.`account_id` `account_id`, `articles`.`internal_only` `internal_only`, unix_timestamp(`articles`.`created_at`) `created_at`, unix_timestamp(`articles`.`updated_at`) `updated_at`, `articles`.`views` `views` `articles` left outer join `articles_tags` on `articles_tags`.`article_id` = `articles`.`id` left outer join `tags` on `tags`.`id` = `articles_tags`.`tag_id` left outer join `articles_categories` on `articles_categories`.`article_id` = `articles`.`id` left outer join `customer_categories` on `customer_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories`.`customer_category_id` left outer join `users` on `users`.`id` = `articles`.`created_by_id` (`articles`.`id` >= $start , `articles`.`id` <= $end , `articles`.`delta` = 0) group `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`title`, `articles`.`content`, `users`.`first_name`, `users`.`last_name`, `articles`.`id`, `articles`.`account_id`, `articles`.`internal_only`, `articles`.`created_at`, `articles`.`updated_at`, `articles`.`views` order null sql_query_range = select ifnull(min(`id`), 1), ifnull(max(`id`), 1) `articles` `articles`.`delta` = 0 sql_attr_uint = sphinx_internal_id sql_attr_uint = class_crc sql_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted sql_attr_uint = account_id sql_attr_uint = views sql_attr_bool = internal_only sql_attr_timestamp = created_at sql_attr_timestamp = updated_at sql_query_info = select * `articles` `id` = (($id - 0) / 6) }
problem keep getting error:
sphinx 0.9.9-rc2 (r1785) copyright (c) 2001-2009, andrew aksyonoff using config file '/users/eumir/rails_apps/hivemind/config/development.sphinx.conf'... indexing index 'article_core'... error: source 'article_core_0': unknown type 'mysql'; skipping. error: index 'article_core': failed configure of sources, not index. indexing index 'article_delta'... error: source 'article_delta_0': unknown type 'mysql'; skipping. error: index 'article_delta': failed configure of sources, not index. distributed index 'article' can not directly indexed; skipping. indexing index 'contact_core'... error: source 'contact_core_0': unknown type 'mysql'; skipping.
any on this?
it looks you've compiled sphinx support postgresql, not mysql. you'll need recompile , reinstall sphinx. won't need change in thinking sphinx, it's matter of modifying database.yml (which i'm guessing you've done), , should fine.
keep in mind default, sphinx compiles mysql support only. compile both mysql , postgresql, , configure request within sphinx source directory looks like:
./configure --with-pgsql
hopefully that's that's needed - unless have mysql set in non-standard location, may need check other flags - run ./configure --help
see various options.
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