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c# - Usage of Server Side Controls in MVC Frame work -

i using asp.net 4.0 , mvc 2.0 web application. project requiremrnt have use server side control in application not possibl in noraml case. ideally want use adrotator control , datalist control. i saw few samples , references in codepleax mvc controllib howwver found less useful. can tell how utilize theese controls in asp.net application along mvc. note: please provide functionalities related adrotator , datalist controls not equivalent functionalities thanks in advace. mvc pages not use normal .net solution makes use of normal .net components impossible. a normal .net page use event driven solution call different methods service side mvc use actions , view completly different way handle things. also, mvc not use viewstate normal .net controlls require. found article discussing mixing of normal .net , mvc.

optimization - C++ String Interview Question -

i in c++ technical interview, given bit of simple string manipulation code, intended take string , return string comprised of first , last n-characters, , proceed correct bugs , make function efficient possible, came solution below, interviewer claimed there faster more optimal way:

original code:

std::string first_last_n(int n, std::string s) {    std::string first_n = s.substr(0,n);    std::string last_n = s.substr(s.size()-n-1,n);    return first_n + last_n; } 

my code:

bool first_last_n(const std::size_t& n, const std::string& s, std::string& r) {    if (s.size() < n)       return false;    r.reserve(2 * n);    r.resize(0);    r.append(s.data(),s.data() + n);    r.append(s.data() + (s.size() - n), s.data() + s.size());    return true; } 

summary of changes:

  • changed interface take return string reference (assuming rvo , rvalues not available yet)

  • removed temporary strings being constructed via substr

  • passed input string const reference inorder around temporary instantiation of input

  • fixed off-by-1 error in last_n string

  • reduced number of times each character touched down once, or twice (in event of overlapping scenario)

  • placed check in event string s's size less n, returning false failure.

assuming native c++ allowed, there other way of doing above more efficiently or optimally?

note 1: original input string instance not modified.

note 2: solutions must pass following test case, otherwise not valid.

void test() {    {       std::string s = "0123456789";       std::string r = first_last_n(10,s);       assert(r == "01234567890123456789");    }     {       std::string s = "0123456789abc0123456789";       std::string r = first_last_n(10,s);       assert(r == "01234567890123456789");    }     {       std::string s = "1234321";       std::string r = first_last_n(5,s);       assert(r == "1234334321");    }  } 

this implementation should fast:

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {     n = std::min(n, s.size());     std::string ret;     ret.reserve(2*n);     ret.append(s.begin(), s.begin() + n);     ret.append(s.end() - n, s.end());     return ret; } 

it passes 3 unit tests.

when using gnu libstdc++, line declares & initializes ret extremely fast because libstdc++ uses global "empty string" variable. thus, it's pointer copy. calls begin , end on s fast because resolve const versions of begin , end, begin() const , end() const, internal representation of s not "leaked". libstdc++, std::string::const_iterator const char*, pointer type , random access iterator. thus, when std::string::append<const char*>(const char*, const char*) calls std::distance obtain length of input range, pointer difference operation. also, std::string::append<const char*>(const char*, const char*) results in memmove. finally, reserve operation ensures enough memory available return value.

edit: curious, here initialization of ret in assembly output of mingw g++ 4.5.0:

    movl    $__znss4_rep20_s_empty_rep_storagee+12, (%ebx) 

it's copying pointer global "empty representation".

edit2: okay. have tested 4 variants g++ 4.5.0 , visual c++ 16.00.30319.01:

variant 1 (the "c_str variant"):

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {    std::string::size_type s_size = s.size();    n = std::min(n, s_size);    std::string ret;    ret.reserve(2*n);    const char *s_cstr = s.c_str(), *s_cstr_end = s_cstr + s_size;    ret.append(s_cstr, s_cstr + n);    ret.append(s_cstr_end - n, s_cstr_end);    return ret; } 

variant 2 (the "data string" variant):

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {    std::string::size_type s_size = s.size();    n = std::min(n, s_size);    std::string ret;    ret.reserve(2*n);    const char *s_data = s.data(), *s_data_end = s_data + s_size;    ret.append(s_data, s_data + n);    ret.append(s_data_end - n, s_data_end);    return ret; } 

variant 3:

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {    std::string::size_type s_size = s.size();    n = std::min(n, s_size);    std::string ret(s);    std::string::size_type d = s_size - n;    return ret.replace(n, d, s, d, n); } 

variant 4 (my original code):

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {    n = std::min(n, s.size());    std::string ret;    ret.reserve(2*n);    ret.append(s.begin(), s.begin() + n);    ret.append(s.end() - n, s.end());    return ret; } 

the results g++ 4.5.0 are:

  • variant 4 fastest
  • variant 3 second (5% slower variant 4)
  • variant 1 third (2% slower variant 3)
  • variant 2 fourth (0.2% slower variant 1)

the results vc++ 16.00.30319.01 are:

  • variant 1 fastest
  • variant 2 second (3% slower variant 1)
  • variant 4 third (4% slower variant 2)
  • variant 3 fourth (17% slower variant 4)

unsurprisingly, variant fastest depends on compiler. however, not knowing compiler used think variant best because familiar style of c++, fastest when using g++, , not slower variants 1 or 2 when using vc++.

one thing interesting vc++ results using c_str rather data faster. perhaps why interviewer said there faster way implementation.


actually, thought variant:

variant 5:

inline std::string first_last_n(std::string::size_type n, const std::string& s) {    n = std::min(n, s.size());    std::string ret;    ret.reserve(2*n);    std::string::const_iterator s_begin = s.begin(), s_end = s.end();    ret.append(s_begin, s_begin + n);    ret.append(s_end - n, s_end);    return ret; } 

it's variant 4 except begin , end iterators s saved.

when variant 5 tested, beats out variant 2 (the data string variant) when using vc++:

  • variant 1 fastest
  • variant 5 second (1.6% slower variant 1)
  • variant 2 third (1.4% slower variant 5)
  • variant 4 third (4% slower variant 2)
  • variant 3 fourth (17% slower variant 4)


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