in order use jquery ui dialog module use of $.extend() method , wrote this:
user.confirmationdialog = function(options) { if(undefined === options.selector) { return false; } this.close = function() { modal.dialog('close'); } this.forward = function() { if(undefined !== trigger.attr('href')) { document.location.href = trigger.attr('href'); } } var modalbuttons = {}; if(undefined !== options.buttons) { for(var buttontitle in options.buttons) { modalbuttons[buttontitle] = (function(e, f) { return function() {; } })(options.buttons[buttontitle], this); } delete options.buttons; } var modalhtmlelementid = 'confirmdialog'; if(undefined !== { modalhtmlelementid =; delete; } var modaloptions = jquery.extend({ autoopen: false, width: 410, height: 'auto', minheight: false, dialogclass: 'modaldefault', modal: true, resizable: false, draggable: false, close: function() { bindtriggers(); }, open: function() { unbindtriggers(); }, buttons: modalbuttons }, options || {}); var modal = jquery('<div />', {'id': modalhtmlelementid}); if(undefined !== options.text) { modal.html(options.text); } modal.dialog(modaloptions); var trigger = null; var ontriggerclick = function(e) { e.preventdefault(); trigger = jquery(; if(undefined !== options.beforeopen) {, modal, e); } modal.dialog('open'); }; //bind custom event current options.selector elements var bindtriggers = function() { jquery(options.selector).live('click', ontriggerclick); } //unbind custom event current options.selector elements var unbindtriggers = function() { jquery(options.selector).die('click', ontriggerclick); } //first init: bind custom event listener on option.selector bindtriggers(); } /* * * @required user.confirmationdialog */ user.singlebtndialog = function (options) { if(undefined === options.selector) return false; var text= options.text, ok = options.okbtntxt, dialogbutton = {}; dialogbutton[ok] = function() { this.forward(); }; var modaloptions = jquery.extend({ selector: options.selector, text : text, closeonescape: false, open: function(event, ui) { jquery(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide() }, buttons: dialogbutton }, options || {}); user.confirmationdialog(modaloptions); } user.twobtndialog = function(options) { if(undefined === options.selector) return false; var text= options.text, ok = options.okbtntxt, cancel = options.cancelbtntxt, dialogbuttons = {}; dialogbuttons[ok] = function() { forward(); }; dialogbuttons[cancel] = function() { close(); }; var modaloptions = jquery.extend({ selector: options.selector, text: text, buttons: dialogbuttons }, options || {}); user.confirmationdialog(modaloptions); }; user.ajaxcontentdialog = function(options) { if(undefined === options.selector) return false; var modaloptions = jquery.extend({ selector: options.selector, beforeopen: function(modal, e) { e.stoppropagation(); jquery.ajax({ async: false, type: 'get', url: this.attr('href'), success: function(data, textstatus, xmlhttprequest) { modal.html(data); } }); } }, options || {}); user.confirmationdialog(modaloptions); };
frontend, i'm binding of 3 methods (singbutton, 2buttons, or ajax) way :
[user.singlebtndialog, { okbtntxt: 'ok', text: 'blablablablabl', selector: '.addtofav'}], [user.twobtndialog, { okbtntxt: 'ok', cancelbtntxt: 'ablehnen', text: 'blablablablabl', selector: '.topicopenclose'}],
my issue quite simple, yet cannot seem resolve : event binded on each of selectors, buttons created properly, yet, when clicking on 'ok' button, a
trigger null [break on error] if(undefined !== trigger.attr('href'))
error. suspect scope misunderstanding, can't seem find correct solution.
thanks help, appreciated.
yes, scope issue. try call using user.confirmationdialog.forward();
ifthis not work make function public available.
edit: should make functions objects functions , call functions only.
user.confirmationdialog = { recent_function: function(options){ // ... } close: function() { alert('close'); } ... }
calling user.confirmationdialog.recent_function
run former function confirmationdialog
. may acces close using user.confirmationdialog.close();
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